Hello everyone! It's me again~~~ Haven't seen you guys for ages! Finally I upload my degree show photos. Still hope you can come to visit.
During my time at ECA I have designed and produced a children’s book called The Magic Sheep. The aim of this book made of calico is to fill children with both warmth and happiness by fueling their imagination. In order to do so, the work is meant to be touched and felt. It is believed that touch-based perception has important social learning effects and plays an important role within a child’s exploration of its environment. Thus, the work intends to contribute to the development of the young child’s senses.
My story is about a magic sheep that uses her pair of magic knitting wands in order to help animals living in a dark forest. Some time later, she notices that she has lost her way! But luckily she has made many friends through all her good deeds and in return for her kindness everybody guides her on her way back home.
好久不見拉!!這次來介紹我的畢業展,這次我所有的東西包括牆面全部都用胚布包住,想要呈現溫馨的空間,同時也意味著所有的作品都是可以觸摸的,這次展出的作品主要是我自己寫的一本童書 “魔法小羊”,這本繪本也是全部手工做的布書,希望剛好有在英國愛丁堡的大家可以親自來看看喔!之後會在介紹其他同學們的作品,也是很值得一看得喔!!
The Magic Sheep bookcase
My degree show space
My degree show space