Saturday, March 31, 2012

Last Tango in Paris

I designed this posters of Italian Film -" Last Tango in Paris". It will be exhibited at Filmhouse and Italian Institute of Culture, Edinburgh during the Italian Film Festival in April 2012. This film is about a young Parisian woman begins a sordid affair with a middle-aged American businessman who lays out ground rules that their clandestine relationship will be based only on sex. They don't want to show their real identity to each other, so that's why I draw they wear masks.

這個海報即將要在四月份在愛丁堡展出囉!我這次設計的電影是“Last Tango in Paris",男主角是一個已過中年的男子保羅來自美國的農村,四處流浪,自我放逐,最後來到異鄉巴黎,依然感到迷惘而絕望。直到他在空屋碰到了珍,出生於中產階級,一個平凡善良,已訂婚的女孩。對他而言生命中的希望,便是和珍這樣的女子相處溝通。在他的想法裡,性是重要的,兩人相互約定不過問彼此、不提姓名,於小屋裡展開一場場激烈性愛.兩個個體真誠地透過肉體相濡以沫,這也是他面對外界現實環伺,處處進逼的孤絕處境下的唯一慰藉。 逐漸撫平喪妻之痛的保羅,保羅對珍越加升高的佔有慾,卻遭到珍拒絕,為這段注定毀滅的愛情悲劇揭開序幕... 


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I got my own website ♥

Hi! I’m a Freelance Illustrator currently living in Edinburgh, having studied illustration at Edinburgh college of Art. My work usually features detailed repetitive patterns with fun, playful characters. I like to write and illustrate children's books and I have a passion for handmade objects as well!! Finally I have my own website ♥♥

來自台灣愛幻想的女生,目前人在英倫愛丁堡繼續發夢,一路朝著插畫家這條不歸路走走跳跳 :-)